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Possible configuration values for screensaver config


key optional type default description
entity True string weather.example weather entity from homeassistant
entities True string None contains a list of entities of this card (will be used instead of entity)
statusIcon1 True complex None status icon left to the date string, config similar to weatherOverride
statusIcon2 True complex None status icon right to the date string, config similar to weatherOverride
doubleTapToUnlock True boolean False requires to tap screensaver two times
theme True complex configuration for theme
defaultCard True string None default page after exiting screensaver; only works with top level cards defined in cards; needs to be a navigation item, see subpages (navigate.type_key) This config option will also be evaluated as a HomeAssistant Template.
key True string None Used by navigate items
type True string screensaver screensaver or screensaver2

Example for the a screensaver config with custom entities/overrides:

        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
          type: 0
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
          type: 1
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
          type: 2
        - entity: sensor.energy_usage

Using a 6th entity will automatically activate the alternative layout.


        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
          type: 0
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
          type: 1
        - entity: sensor.energy_usage
        - entity: delete
        - entity: sensor.indoor_temp
          icon: mdi:home-thermometer-outline

You can use override the options described on the entities documentation page to override colors, names or values of the entities.

With Version 4.0.0 there is another alternative layout for the screensaver:

Configuration is similar, you just need to add type: screensaver2 to switch the layout.


      type: screensaver2
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north

Possible configuration values for screensaver theme config (only normal screensaver layout not screensaver2)

key option type default description
background True list Black [R, G, B]
time True list White [R, G, B]
timeAMPM True list White [R, G, B]
date True list White [R, G, B]
tMainText True list White [R, G, B]
tForecast1 True list White [R, G, B]
tForecast2 True list White [R, G, B]
tForecast3 True list White [R, G, B]
tForecast4 True list White [R, G, B]
tForecast1Val True list White [R, G, B]
tForecast2Val True list White [R, G, B]
tForecast3Val True list White [R, G, B]
tForecast4Val True list White [R, G, B]
bar True list White [R, G, B]
tMainTextAlt2 True list White [R, G, B]
tTimeAdd True list White [R, G, B]

Specify colours as red green and blue values from 0-255 e.g. [255, 0, 0] for red or [0, 0, 255] for blue. These are translated internally to RGB565 (note that this has lower color depth so the colours may not appear the same). Also note that the screen has a low contrast ratio, so colors look sigificantly different at full display brightness and lowest brightness.

Example for the theme config:

        date: [255, 0, 0]
Config Example for configured statusIcons
        entity: weather.k3ll3r
          entity: switch.example_item
           entity: binary_sensor.example_item

It is possible to increase the size of the font used for the icons by adding altFont: True to the statusIcon configuration. Icon/Color Overrides are also possible like on any other Entity.

Config Example for configured statusIcons with increased size of the icons
        entity: weather.k3ll3r
          entity: switch.example_item
          altFont: True
           entity: binary_sensor.example_item
           altFont: True
Config Example for all white icons on screensaver
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
          type: 0
      color: [255,255,255]
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
          type: 1
      color: [255,255,255]
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
          type: 2
      color: [255,255,255]
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
          type: 3
      color: [255,255,255]
Config Example for a custom date format on forecast
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
          type: 0
          name: "%a %-d/%-m"
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
          type: 1
          name: "%a %-d/%-m"
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
          name: "%a %-d/%-m"
          type: 2
        - entity: weather.demo_weather_north
          name: "%a %-d/%-m"
          type: 3
See Babel Documentation ( or the Python Documenation ( in case you do not have babel installed.