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To confiure your NSPanel to your needs, you need to edit the apps.yaml inside of your Appdaemon config folder and add card and entities you want to display on the screen.

If you've sucessfully set up mqtt, you should already have a configuration looking like this:

  module: nspanel-lovelace-ui
  class: NsPanelLovelaceUIManager
    panelRecvTopic: "tele/tasmota_your_mqtt_topic/RESULT"
    panelSendTopic: "cmnd/tasmota_your_mqtt_topic/CustomSend"
    model: eu

You can continue from this point adding configuration for the weather forcecast on the screensaver, configuring a schedule for the brightness of the screensaver and your first cards.

  module: nspanel-lovelace-ui
  class: NsPanelLovelaceUIManager
    panelRecvTopic: "tele/tasmota_your_mqtt_topic/RESULT"
    panelSendTopic: "cmnd/tasmota_your_mqtt_topic/CustomSend"
    model: eu
    sleepTimeout: 20
      - time: "7:00:00"
        value: 10
      - time: "23:00:00"
        value: 0
    locale: "de_DE"
      entity: weather.k3ll3r
      - type: cardEntities
          - entity: switch.example_item
          - entity: light.example_item
        title: Example 1
      - type: cardGrid
          - entity: switch.example_item
          - entity: light.example_item
        title: Example 2

This is the full list of configuration options supported for the config key:

key optional type default description
panelRecvTopic False string tele/tasmota_your_mqtt_topic/RESULT The mqtt topic used to receive messages.
panelSendTopic False string cmnd/tasmota_your_mqtt_topic/CustomSend The mqtt topic used to send messages.
updateMode True string auto-notify Update Mode for flashing of the nextion display firmware, by default it is showing a message asking for the update after updating the backend app in HACS; Possible values: "auto", "auto-notify", "manual"
model True string eu Model; Possible values: "eu", "us-l" and "us-p"
sleepTimeout True integer 20 Timeout for the screen to enter screensaver, to disable screensaver use 0
sleepBrightness True integer/complex 20 Brightness for the screen on the screensaver, see example below for complex/scheduled config.
screenBrightness True integer/complex 100 Brightness for the screen during usage, config format is the same as sleepBrightness.
sleepTracking True string None Forces screensaver brightness to 0 in case entity state is not_home or off, can be a group, person or device_tracker entity.
sleepTrackingZones True list ["not_home", "off"] Allows you to set your own states for sleepTracking
sleepOverride True complex None Allows overriding of the sleepBrightness if entity state is on, true or home. Overrides sleepBrightness but sleepTracking takes precedence.
locale True string en_US Used by babel to determinante Date format on screensaver, also used for localization.
dateFormatBabel True string full formatting options on
timeFormat True string %H:%M Time Format on screensaver. Substring after ? is displayed in a seperate smaller textbox. Useful for 12h time format with AM/PM
"%I:%M   ?%p"
dateAdditionalTemplate True string "" Addional Text dispayed after Date, can contain a Homeassistant Template Example " - {{ states('sun.sun') }}"
timeAdditionalTemplate True string "" Addional Text dispayed below Time, can contain a Homeassistant Template
dateFormat True string %A, %d. %B %Y date format used if babel is not installed
timezone True string "" Timezone for the time on the panel: Europe/Berlin - See for a list of TZ Identifiers (supported from upcoming version v4.4)
defaultBackgroundColor True string ha-dark backgroud color of all cards, valid values: black, ha-dark
cards False complex configuration for cards that are displayed on panel; see docs for cards
screensaver True complex configuration for screensaver; see docs for screensaver
hiddenCards True complex configuration for cards that can be accessed though navigate items; see docs for cards

It is possible to schedule a brightness change for the screen at specific times.

      - time: "7:00:00"
        value: 10
      - time: "23:00:00"
        value: 0
      - time: "sunrise"
        value: 10
      - time: "sunset + 1:00:00"
        value: 0

It is also possible to use a static value or an input_number/sensor with the range between 0 and 100 as value for sleepBrightness/screenBrightness:

    sleepBrightness: input_number.brightness_nspanel
    sleepBrightness: 50

The config option sleepTracking overrides this setting and sets the brightness to 0 if the state of the configured Home Assistant entity is off or not_home. You may also use a Home Assistant group to track multiple entities.

The config option sleepOverride overrides sleepBrightness but does not take precedence over sleepTracking. This is useful if, for example, you want your NSPanel to be brighter than usual if your light is on or if you want to override a panel dimming if you are in the room.

The following example configuration is turning off the screen after sunset, but in case the bedroom light is on the NSPanel brightness will be 20 instead of 0.

      - time: "sunrise"
        value: 20
      - time: "sunset"
        value: 0
      entity: light.bedroomlight
      brightness: 20

Supported keys for locale config

Language Code Language
af_ZA Afrikaans
ar_SY Arabic
bg_BG Bulgarian
ca_ES Catalan
cs_CZ Czech
da_DK Danish
de_DE German
el_GR Greek
en_US English
es_ES Spanish
et_EE Estonian
fa_IR Persian
fi_FI Finnish
fr_FR French
he_IL Hebrew
hr_xx Croatian
hu_HU Hungarian
hy_AM Armenian
id_ID Indonesian
is_IS Icelandic
it_IT Italian
lb_xx Luxembourgish
lt_LT Lithuanian
lv_LV Latvian
nb_NO Norwegian
nl_NL Dutch
nn_NO Norwegian
pl_PL Polish
pt_PT Portuguese
ro_RO Romanian
ru_RU Russian
sk_SK Slovak
sl_SI Slovenian
sv_SE Swedish
th_TH Thai
tr_TR Turkish
uk_UA Ukrainian
vi_VN Vietnamese
zh_CN Simplified Chinese
zh_TW Traditional Chinese

Customize OTA URLs

In case you need to change the OTA URLs to do automatic updates without internet access for tasmota, you can modify the OTA URLs:

    displayURL-US-L: ""
    displayURL-US-P: ""
    displayURL-EU: ""
    berryURL: ""