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Flash Tasmota to your NSPanel

You need to connect to your nspanel via serial and flash tasmota tasmota32-nspanel.bin to your NSPanel. You can use the Tasmota Web Installer to do so. Tasmota Web Installer

Checkout Blakadders Template Repo for more information on flashing, do not use the from this page. NSPanel Page of the Tasmota Template Repository

If you prefer EspHome over Tasmota, you can use this thrid party esphome component, which is replacing tasmota and the berry driver of this project. ESPHome component

Configure Tasmota Template for NSPanel

Configure the NSPanel template for Tasmota. (Go to Configuration and Configure Other and paste the template there, make sure to tick the activate checkbox)


You can use the following template or copy the one on the Tasmota Template Repo Site.

{"NAME":"NSPanel","GPIO":[0,0,0,0,3872,0,0,0,0,0,32,0,0,0,0,225,0,480,224,1,0,0,0,33,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4736,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":1,"CMND":"ADCParam 2,11200,10000,3950 | Sleep 0 | BuzzerPWM 1"}

After a reboot of tasmota your screen will light up with the stock display firmware.

Upload Berry Driver to Tasmota

Go to Consoles > Console in Tasmota and execute the following command:

Backlog UrlFetch; Restart 1

Flash Firmware to Nextion Screen

Due the limitations of Berry, it's not possible to download the tft file directly from github, so I'm also renting a small server where you can download the file via HTTP.

Use the one following commands to flash the latest release from this repository, just execute the following Command in Tasmota:

EU Version: FlashNextion

US Version Portrait: FlashNextion

US Version Landscape: FlashNextion

Alternatively you can use your own webserver:
Upload the nspanel.tft from the lastest release to a Webserver and execute the following command in Tasmota Console. **Webserver must be HTTP, HTTPS is not supported, due to limitations of berry lang on tasmota** `FlashNextion http://ip-address-of-your-webserver:8123/local/nspanel.tft`